

THiS iS oFFICiALLY the FiRST "FREE FRiDAY" post!! The idea is to have Local MATERiAL GiRLS / GUYs( Ima have to think of a name for ya'll..MATERiAL GUY is not gonna work) to send me links or info about any and everything FAB that you have going on in fashion and wanna share!

Today is the HOMiE JAcque(aka WiLDOUT)!!! Her bangle Boutique is out of Raleigh, NC as well as online! She is b@lls of Fun and super sweet! Believe me when I say there is NEVER A DULL MOMENT!! Ain't no party like a Wildout PARTY cause a WILDOUT party don't stooooop!!! :)

NOW to what she has going on....BLiNG* All things Swarovski! I purchased some bangles about a year ago from another vendor and I LOVE THEM! However the ones wildoutINC has are crazzzi!! The difference is in the detail! Mine are plain(yet cute) but these have a great deal of detail to add fun to the look! Not to mention they look great with anything! Dressed up or down! She also has earrings available and rings! SO go HERE and treat yourself to a little bLiNg* and bedazzle your way through life (lol)!

Because....When all else faiLS...ROCK NEW SHiT xoxoxo
bling bling*


fendifemme said...

These bangles are gorgeous! need'em in my life asap! Thanx for posting the link :-)

Unknown said...
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Tiffany {Beauty Board} said...

This was a great share Shica! I love these bracelets and she's local. "Big Brother" is staring at me. Just trying to decide if I should stare back LOL!