
GAGA and BEYONCE killn' the game AS USUAL

YO! Lady GAGA and BEYONCE has teamed up again! This time its not to record you on their video phone but to let you know you can STOP calling their phones all together in their new joint TELEPHONE! You know I love it right? OK! Its not even about the song/video or for once Beyonce...It's about GAGA and how she is the craziest, dopest, wackiest, futuristic chic out there right now! The leather studded jacket in the video is stttttuuuuuuupppppiiiiD! GaGa stated in the past that she wore studs and spikes a lot growing up and thats where the inspiration for the look for her line of headphones came from. Hmph.. she's inspiring a lot of people with that look and I can tell you it has nothing to do with headphones; but making heads turn! Beyonce did her thing to with the extreme embellished blue joint! BUT BACK TO GAGA...yeah...

1 comment:

VBaby said...

I loved it! There so out the box and Ga Ga is so creative its ridiculous!!!!