
Go HarD wiTH a HUndred$$

EVERYONE who knows me knows that SHOES are MY ADDICTION! No thanks I don't need or want an Intervention nor do I plan on letting up anytime soon! If you must know my addiction does not consist of a cute pair of Aldo pumps or a banging Steve Madden(both of which I LOVE)...leave it to me to be addicted to shoes that has a price tag that looks like an apartment lease or a monthly payment on a 2010 Porsche Panamera( which btw is my DREAM CAR of the moment)!

However I do know that not everyone can afford or wants to drop a cool $1200.00 on a pair ofChristian Louboutin booties or even $795.00 on a Very Prive` peep toe. A couple of you hit me up and of course I had to come through with something for ya'll! So for the MATERiAL GiRLS who wants that "BOW BOW" affect when you walk in the room...I found some DOPE, different and inexpensive PLATFORM looks(just because that's the shit right now) that any girl would murder the room in (of course swagg plays a part in there to)! BUT the BEST thing about these shoes is the fact that NONE of them are over $100.00! YEeEEEeaH! AYE! OH let's Do iT!(in FlocKA voicE) :)

When I told ya'll I DO THIS...IT's because I DO! So go ahead and click HERE and order up! I even saw a couple pair that I'm gonna have to have! Just because if I talk it I live it...

yuuUP! That heel is a GUN (let's get ratchet)

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