
Rip the Runway..uummmm NOT EXACTLY

SO just like many of us I tuned in to Rip the Runway 2010! I was sure that with all the changes in fashion as of lately that this year the show would be great! Well not so much!

I can honestly say that I saw NOTHING that caught my eye! Well except for Nikki's Giuseppe Zanotti peep toe bootie that also comes in a sandal and retail at $1,250.00. But WHY would she think it would be okay to wear it with that hot pink, spandeXXX , exaggerated shoulder, medal and all other types of foolishness dress(sigh)!?!

I guess we'll have to cross our fingers and pray that next year is better! Just sucks for the designers who put in hard work in preparation for the show. It's SO MUCH other crap going on who could even focus! Oh yeah...if you know somebody who knows somebody who knows TRINA...JUST TELL HER THAT WHEN PERFORMING IN ANY SORT OF SHOW GOWN BE IT LONG OR SHORT; GET IT BIG ENOUGH TO ACTUALLY BE ABLE TO MOVE AROUND IN IT! Her body is sick and I heart her though! xoxoxo


VBaby said...

I agree it was horrible. On the other hand I did peep some leggings similar to the ones I wore this weekend! I'm over the whole Nicki Minaj parade shes not being real to me, but thats the image they've put together for her so I guess its working!

Tiffany {Beauty Board} said...

lovn the of girl!!! I DVR'd The show and was hoping it was going to be good...leave it to BET...sucks that it sucked:( Nickj always wears to many trends. The shoes are bananas though!!!!..