
When to wear WHiTE!

my FAV 2 pair for the season although I've barley worn them ;)

SPRiNG is officially here! Time to purge out all of the dark greys, blacks(not for me, that's my FAV color) and browns! I dont know about you all but I'm ready! Most girls think that flowers and floral prints are the shit for SPRiNG...I beg to differ! Most girls also think that WHiTE can be worn on the first day of SPRiNG......STOP! FREEZE..FASHION POLICE TO THE RESCUE! This is NOT OKAY!!! EVer...NEver EVER!

The FiRST day to wear white and not humiliate yourself is Memorial day. The LAST day is Labor day. A lot of ladies don't know this or either they just don't care. PLEASE mark your calendar...this is crucial. Kinda like textn while you drive...YOU JUST SHOULDN'T DO IT :)

Here are a few tips when wearing white:

* ALWAYS wear BLACK undergarments unless your going for the"seXXXy look( bright colors ROCk).
* Iron inside out to avoid icky, yellowish spots from the iron
* Even at an ALL WHiTE event incorporate some color(golds, silver, any metallic color is cute)
* For those black scuff marks that some how magically appear on your shoes use ALCOHOL to remove them.
* When shopping for white shoes try to go for ones with some sort of detail of accent on them! The all white MINNIE MOUSE shoe is #DEAD

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